Une vie en couleur

Short | Fiction | Burundi


A pandemic is raging Sarah discovers that she has only six months left to live confined to her home with her husband Phil she will have to face her fear.

Film credit

  • Writer & Director: Lionel Nishimwe
  • Producer: Lionel Nishimwe
  • Actor(s): Laura SheÏlla Inangoma, Jean Rige Nkurunziza
  • Duration: 19′ 8”
  • Language(s): French
  • Subtitle(s): English

Vues d’Afrique 2023 | African Film & Art Fetsival USA 2023 | FESTCAB 2022 | Mashariki African Film Festival 2022 | Luxor African Film Festival 2022

  • Best short film FESTCAB 2022
  • Best Sound FESTICAB 2022
  • Best picture FESTICAB 2022

For festivals and other screenings inquiries please send us an email to: festival(at)hikigali.com.